Your Ultimate Moving Inventory List for a Smooth Transition

Moving can seem overwhelming, whether you’re moving a one-bedroom apartment or an entire office building. While both are daunting, an office move impacts a lot more people than moving homes and has more logistics to consider.
If you’re planning an office move this year, check out this moving inventory list to make sure the move goes smoothly.
Plan Ahead: 6-12 Months Before Your Move
While you might be able to pull off a residential move with just a few weeks’ notice, it’s unlikely you can do that with a commercial move. The planning should ideally begin 6 months to a year before the scheduled move.
When you’re about a year out, you should set a budget, start gathering moving quotes, see if you need any special insurance (particularly if you are moving large, expensive equipment or tools), and put together a planning team, lead by a project relocation manager, who will be in charge of planning the move.
3-4 Months Before Your Move
Sign a contract with a moving company, notify your current landlord (if applicable), and make sure to keep your employees up-to-date on what their role is during the move and how the move will affect them.
Is there an expectation that they will help with packing, moving, and unpacking? Will they be taking unpaid leave during the move? Working remotely? Be sure to keep them in the loop at all times.
You might also start communicating externally as well, particularly if you are moving a retail business or your customers or clients will be impacted during the move.
2 Months Before Your Move
Schedule the installation of utilities, like phone service, electric, gas (if relevant), internet, and cable (if relevant). Work with your IT team to ensure that all technology will be set up immediately upon moving and make sure all the necessary equipment will be accessible.
Determine if you need new furniture or if your existing office furniture will be sufficient. Create a floor plan and office layout and assign offices or cubicle space if applicable to your office.
1 Month Before Your Move
Make sure all logistics are finalized and all parties who will be involved in the move know what is expected of them. Start packing and purging anything that is not needed prior to the move. Consider temporary storage for items that you may not need right away.
Make sure your customers or clients know about the move, the new location, and how your services will be impacted during the move period. Make a plan to update company listings wherever your address and phone number may be listed (e.g., online listings, in any printed marketing materials, social media accounts, banks and financial institutions, subscriptions, office deliveries, etc.).
Moving Week: What Items Remain on Your Moving Inventory List?
When moving week arrives, you should have all of your i’s dotted and t’s crossed if you’ve followed this list. Now is the time to double-check and cross off any other remaining tasks. Make sure everyone is ready to go and try to minimize any unexpected surprises on the day of the move.
Make Your Move
If you’ve followed this moving inventory list, your move should go off without a hitch (or at least without any large hitches that you haven’t already planned for). Once you’re in your new space, you can reflect on anything that you should have done differently and update your notes for any future office moves.
Once you’re ready to start planning your move, contact us for a free quote. We provide a range of services, from moves to storage and warehousing of your items.